Ilse… The newest staff member "Hi everyone, I'm Ilse, (pronounced ill-suh). I came to live at Studio Jewelers in late January 2017 after Hanna and Victoria found me at the Dane County Friends of Ferals shelter, now know as Madison Cat Project.
I know I have big paws to fill here, and Hanna says I'm doing a good job so far. Like Eli, I was on the street for a while before I was rescued. No one knows my history or just how old I am, but my staff thinks I'm about two.
I love to play, and I'm absolutely fearless and very, very curious. I like to keep Hanna company when she works late - I even have my own chair in her office to nap on!
Please stop by and say hello, I love getting pet, hugs and doggie visitors. I want to get to know all of Eli's friends so they can be my friends, too." Visit my Facebook page and be my friend at! Stop in to visit, I'll be happy to show you around the store!
I'm missing some teeth, so my tongue sometimes hangs out when I'm happy. I like to help out with the website and my Facebook page, just like Eli did!
The Laser Welder is pretty cool! Lots of things get fixed with it, even eyeglasses!
——————————————————————————— Eli... A Memorial
We mourn the passing of our dear Eli Shopcat, who died Sunday afternoon, November 6th, 2016 at age 20. His loving spirit brought joy to all who knew him.
If any of his friends would like to remember him in a formal way, contributions in his name can be made toDane County Friends of Ferals, 627 Post Road, Madison, WI 53713. Memories can be shared on hisFacebook page.
Adopted from the Humane Society on April 15th, 1998, Eli lived here at Studio Jewelers until his passing at the age of 20 on November 6th, 2016.
(We’d like to add a note we wrote to the Dane County Humane Society, telling Eli's happy tale):
We here at Studio Jewelers want to share Eli's success story. Our gregarious feline companion was with us since 1998, working and living here at the store until his death on November 6th, 2016. He's had many fans, and was a wonderful shop cat. We all loved him very much.
Back in 1998, Studio Jewelers owner Hanna Cook-Wallace was a member of the "Claw Committee" (chaired by then-Wisconsin first lady Sue Ann Thompson), helping raise funds for the new shelter on Voges Road. While touring the old Pennsylvania Ave. facility, she met Eli, who was confined to sickbay with a deeply entrenched sinus infection and other stray-cat maladies. It was love at first sight.
Previous potential adopters had been put off by his prodigious production of ropey green snot, but Hanna was undeterred. Adam Bauknecht, who was staffing the front counter on the day of the adoption, told her she was getting the best cat in the place, and she knew it. Veterinarian Kristin Nelson was instrumental in getting Eli through his initial health issues. She also became first in a long line of those who would love to take this particular handsome brown tabby home with them, given the chance.
Eli lived full time here at Studio Jewelers, and worked as our official greeter. He never tried to leave the store; though many of our customers were concerned he'd run out when they opened the door. He had spent enough time on the street and had no interest in running outside (though he did like to sniff the air). He would often stand by the front door and meow loudly at passing pedestrians, trying to entice them to come in for a chat (so to speak). He enjoyed dogs and children, both of whom were welcome to visit him in the store.
Adam Bauknecht, who filled out Eli's adoption papers at the shelter years ago, is now a veterinarian himself. Dr. Bauknecht stopped by every once in a while to check on Eli, and still thinks we got the best cat in the place. Eli would get regular massage treatments from staff member Lisa Roman, (who was a licensed Massage Therapist), to help with his aches from his life as a stray.